“India possesses significant potential in the field of nanotechnology”: Dr. Dibakar Roy Chowdhary

Spotlight on nanotechnology | ChannelDrive.in

In today’s fast paced technology landscape, nanotechnology is catalyzing transformative changes across diverse sectors, including electronics, healthcare, energy, and materials science. With an aim to equipping students to think across the disciplines, Mahindra University’s curriculum allows them to explore connections by taking courses from various fields, such as Data Science, AI, and Nanotechnology.

Dr. Dibakar Roy Chowdhary, Professor of Physics, Mahindra University speaks with Zia Askari from ChannelDrive.in about nanotechnology and what does the future hold for this technology when combined with AI and biotechnology.

Dr. Dibakar Roy Chowdhary

How has nanotechnology evolved in recent years?

Nanotechnology has undergone remarkable evolution in recent decades, which is marked by significant advancements in both fundamental understanding and practical applications. In recent times, we’ve witnessed the emergence of novel nanoscale materials with tailored properties, such as quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, revolutionizing fields ranging from electronics and medicine to energy and environmental science. Indeed, the rapid maturation of nanotechnology is propelling the evolution of various interconnected industries, sparking advancements that redefine the boundaries of innovation. The precision and versatility offered by nanoscale manipulation empower scientists and engineers to create novel solutions, from targeted drug delivery systems revolutionizing healthcare to ultra-efficient nanoelectronic devices driving the next generation of computing technology. This convergence of disciplines not only amplifies the potential for scientific discovery but also paves the way for transformative applications that promise to reshape our world in ways previously unimaginable.

With increasing investment and R&D, which are some of the sectors where nanotechnology is driving change?

Nanotechnology is catalyzing transformative changes across diverse sectors, including electronics, healthcare, energy, and materials science. In electronics, for instance, nanoscale components enable miniaturization and enhanced performance of devices, leading to faster processors, high-density memory storage, and efficient solar cells. In healthcare, nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems offer targeted therapies with reduced side effects. Moreover, nanomaterials play a pivotal role in improving the efficiency of energy storage devices and catalytic converters, thus addressing environmental challenges.

How do you perceive the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing nanotechnology research and development?

Nanotechnology is a classical example of interdisciplinary collaboration, that relies on continuous insights and methodologies from various scientific disciplines. Therefore, interdisciplinary collaboration is indispensable for advancing nanotechnology research and development. Combining expertise from fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and various engineering disciplines fosters a holistic understanding of nanoscale phenomena and facilitates the design of multifunctional nanomaterials and devices. Collaborative efforts also drive innovation by bridging gaps between theoretical insights and practical applications, thereby accelerating the translation of fundamental discoveries into impactful technologies.

Mahindra University prioritizes equipping students to think across the disciplines. Our curriculum allows them to explore connections by taking courses from various fields. We achieve this through elective options across disciplines and dedicated interdisciplinary programs like Data Science, AI, and Nanotechnology. These programs ensure our graduates are well-prepared for the multifaceted demands of today’s workforce.

The integration of nanotechnology with other emerging technologies like AI and biotechnology holds great potential. Which are some of the areas where this can be leveraged further?

The integration of nanotechnology with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology holds immense promise across various domains. In healthcare, for instance, AI-driven algorithms can analyze large datasets to optimize the design of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for personalized medicine. Similarly, combining nanotechnology with biotechnology enables the development of biosensors for rapid disease diagnostics and targeted therapeutics for precise treatment modalities. Moreover, synergistic interactions between nanotechnology and AI can revolutionize fields such as materials discovery, quantum computing, and environmental monitoring.

Mahindra University has research centers, focused on areas like AI, terahertz photonics, and nanosciences, are prime examples of how we’re fostering such collaborative research efforts.

What is the scope of nanotechnology in India?

India possesses significant potential in the field of nanotechnology, owing to its rich scientific talent pool, strong academic institutions, and burgeoning industrial sector. With increasing government support and strategic investments in R&D infrastructure, India is poised to emerge as a global leader in nanotechnology innovation. As of now, key areas of focus include nanoelectronics, nano-biotechnology, nanomaterials and nano-enabled sustainable technologies. Leveraging interdisciplinary collaborations and fostering partnerships between academia, industry, and government entities will be crucial for harnessing the full scope of nanotechnology in addressing societal challenges and driving economic growth in India.

Zia Askari
Zia Askari
Zia Askari works as the Editor for ChannelDrive.in and carries over 18 years of experience in technology writing, branding, communications and digital marketing. Over these years, Zia has worked with Cyber Media and Grey Head on the content side and RAD Data Communications, Huawei Telecommunications and Shyam Networks on the branding and marketing side.

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