Docusign, the Intelligent Agreement Management company, has announced the opening of its new office in Bengaluru, marking a significant expansion of its operations in...
IBM has celebrated the opening of its new flagship office at One Madison Avenue, marking a significant milestone for the New York-based global technology...
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a global enabler in IT services, consulting, and business solutions, has expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to offer two..., an enabler in enterprise conversational and generative AI platform technology, has announced that two of its products, XO Automation and Contact...
Google Cloud has been selected by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. as the cloud provider behind Tekken 8, the critically acclaimed fighting game released in..., a platform in AI-powered conversational intelligence, has launched its highly anticipated fine-tuned large language model (LLM) designed specifically for contact centers. This innovative...